Friday, January 31, 2020

Why Effective Communication Is Important in Building Positive Relationships Essay Example for Free

Why Effective Communication Is Important in Building Positive Relationships Essay Why effective communication is important in building positive relationships It is important to develop positive relationships with children, young people and adults. A Positive relationship is a relationship that benefits children and young people, and their ability to participate in and benefit from the setting. To develop this relationship we must communicate effectively. To communicate effectively we must think about how we speak to others and also how we respond to them. By communicating effectively we will be non-confusing and build up trust. This will mean that we are more likely to have open and honest communication. It is important to communicate effectively with pupils so that they feel secure and comfortable to speak to you. This may mean that they will feel comfortable telling you that they are struggling with a certain aspect of their work, that they are having troubles with another child in the class or maybe that they will disclose information about their home life. We must also be effective with our communication so we can clearly set expectations and boundaries without being confusing. If we communicate effectively with parents/carers and other adults that come into the school, we are more likely to receive their support. Ultimately this will be beneficial towards the pupils as we are more likely to have open communication with them. Effective communication with colleagues is important to make sure that we are able to share good practice and support each other. It is also important to make sure that the service you are providing is of the greatest value for the pupils, for example; if you are asked to work with a group of pupils and teach them something which you know they have already learnt. It is important that you have a relationship with the teacher where you would feel comfortable telling them that the children have already learned that specific skill, and find out if it would be more beneficial to work with a different group or to teach them something else. If we do not communicate effectively it can mean that we are likely to avoid each other. This can lead to misunderstandings, a lack of trust and bad feelings. As such we will not achieve a positive relationship and not gain any of the benefits outlined above.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Blind Heart in Carver’s Cathedral Essay -- Carver Cathedral Essays

The Blind Heart in Raymond Carver's Cathedral  Ã‚   A person’s ability to see is often taken for granted as it is in "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver. Although the title suggests that the story is about a cathedral, it is really about two men who are blind, one physically, the other psychologically. One of the men is Robert, the blind friend of the narrator’s wife; the other is the narrator-husband himself. The husband is the man who is psychologically blind. Carver deftly describes the way the husband looks at life: from a very narrow-minded point of view. Two instances in particular illustrate this. The first is that the husband seems to believe that the most important thing to women is being complimented on their looks; the second is that he is unable to imagine his wife’s friend Robert as a person, only as a blind man. Carver consistently characterizes the husband as the real blind man because he is ignorant of so many simple things in life. One of the first hints of the husband’s blindness is addressed early in the story when the husband thinks about the blind man’s wife and says, Imagine a woman who could never see herself as she was seen in the eyes of her loved one. A woman who could go on day after day and never receive the smallest compliment from her beloved. A woman whose husband could never read the expression on her face, be it misery or something better. (1055) The husband seems to be saying that women need to be seen, that this is the most important or only important thing in their lives. He forgets that Robert can hear his wife’s voice, smell her perfume, enjoy her personality, and touch her skin. According to Dorothy Wickenden "Cathedral" is a story about ignorance and vulnerability – the deep-seated... blind. He constantly disregards his sight which he takes for granted. The husband is so narrow-minded and content within his own world, he neglects to "see" the rest of the world. Marc Chenetien said it best: "A spark of hope in ‘Cathedral’ tends to give a potentially new agenda to stories whose ultimate promise seems to remain that blindness unavoidably undercuts all awakenings" (30). Works Cited Allen, Bruce. "Carver." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Roger Matuz. New York: Gale Research, 1989. 55:103. Burgeja, Michael J. "Carver." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Shelia Fitzgerald. Pasadena: Salem Press, 1990. 8:23. Carver, Raymond. "Cathedral" The Harper Anthology of Fiction: Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. 1052-1063. Chenetien, Marc. "Carver." Short Story Criticism. Ed. Sheila Fitzgerald. Pasadena: Salem Press, 1990. 8:44.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Word Mastery Apprehensive- having awareness or knowledge of something Benign- showing kindness and gentleness Collusion- secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose Countenance- calm expression Divert- to turn from one course or use to another Glimmer- to appear indistinctly with a faintly luminous quality Goad- something that urges or stimulates into action Immune- marked by protection Lament- to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively Monotonous-uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone: dull Getting it Straight-Answer all of these questions.Complete sentences Chapter 4 1. In the description of the pearl buyers, what do we find out about the market in Kino's village? The market is fixed. The buyers get together and set prices to cheat the village men. 2. What happened when Kino went to sell his pearl? The pearl buyer told him it was a curiosity, not a valuable pearl. He offered Kino 1,000 pesos. When Kino disagreed, three othe r buyers were brought in; each one said it was of little value. It is made obvious to the reader that the buyers had arranged their prices earlier. Kino says he will go to the capitol instead of dealing with these buyers. . Juan Tomas says to Kino, â€Å"You have defied not the pearl buyers, but the whole structure, the whole way of life. I am afraid for you. † What does he mean? No one of the village men had ever gone against the buyers. No one had â€Å"taken on city hall,† so-to-speak. It was not Kino's place to try to do better. He was just a lowly village man; that was his station in life. Now, he was trying to improve his station and would have to have a major conflict in order to do so. Juan Tomas thinks this goes against the laws of nature and that bad things happen when you go against the laws of nature.As I heard it put once, â€Å"Little fish don't eat big fish. † 4. Again at the end of the chapter, Juana wants to throw away the pearl because it is ev il. What evil thing happened? Kino is attacked again. This time he is hurt worse than the first time. Chapter 5 1. Where did Juana go early in the morning? Juana tried to sneak out with the pearl to throw it away. 2. What did Kino do when he figured out where she went? He went after her, took the pearl away, and (in the process) beat and kicked Juana. 3. What happened to Kino up the beach through the brush line on the path? He was attacked again.This time he was badly injured, and he killed a man. He thought he lost the pearl, but (ironically) Juana found it again in the path. 4. What happened to their hut while they were away? Someone had gone in searching for the pearl. It was a total wreck, and then someone set fire to it. 5. Why did they leave the village? They left the village because Kino had killed a man. They did not think that, given Kino's recent upsetting of authority, anyone would believe the man was killed in self-defense. Chapter 6 1. What â€Å"songs† does Kino hear on the first part of their journey?He hears the music of the pearl and the quiet melody of the family. 2. What made the music of the pearl become â€Å"sinister in his ears, interwoven with the music of evil? † Kino looked at Coyotito's face. We assume that means he thought of the evil of the scorpion and his distrust of the doctor. 3. What happens to Coyotito? Coyotito cries. The tracker shoots towards the sound, towards the cave where Juana and Coyotito are hiding, and the shot hits and kills Coyotito. 4. What happens to the trackers? Kino kills the trackers. 5. What happens to Kino and Juana? They return to the village with their dead baby. 6.What do they do with the pearl? They throw it away. 7. What does the return of Kino and Juana and their throwing away the pearl mean symbolically? It means that Kino has given up his dream, his hope for a better future for himself and his family. He has lost in his conflicts with man and nature. It appears as though Juan Tomas w as right. Delving in- Answer all question in bold and choose any two to answer 1. Why does the music of the pearl change? The â€Å"Music of the pearl† changes when Kino thoughts and senses change about the pearl. 2. Why does Kino come to feel that he will lose his soul if he gives up the pearl?Kino comes to feel that he will lose his soul if he gives up the pearl. Kino thinks the pearl is his soul. Kino has become so obsessed with the pearl that nothing else matters. His soul and faith is to making his dream come true, of moving in to a upper class and his son having an education. His soul –has the pearl to make his dream come true. It is all that holds him to life and hold his great future of his desire. 3. Why does Tomas help Kino? Tomas help Kino because he cares for Kino and his family. Tomas want to protect them from danger. Also Tomas want help put less stress for family with the entire stressful problem that has come.Furthermore Tomas pity them for all going on . Lastly, it the culture to help your family member: who needs help. 4. Why does Juana feel the event s the following the pearl’s discovery may all have been an illusion? The pearl’s discovery may all have been an illusion. Juana understands the terrible cost of Kino's having found the Pearl of the World. For, it is an uncertain world in which they now live. The dream of a better life for his son using has become now only a dream that is dark, with evil hidden around them. But the pearl was thought to be all good didn’t come to the thought being bad.

Monday, January 6, 2020

What Is Human Nature - 2010 Words

Intro: What is human nature? Recently I heard the story of Edd, a man who begin therapy after being found on a kitchen floor with a knife, several vicious wounds, and no knowledge of how he got there. In his first therapy session the therapist asked about family and medical history, and finally life events leading up to the â€Å"kitchen incident,† as Edd termed it. After Edd filled him in on his struggle with depression and suicide and explained the â€Å"kitchen incident,† The therapist exclaimed, â€Å"You’re lying.† Edd said this statement totally threw him. He restated that he really had no clue what had gone on and only realized what he was doing after he came to. The therapist exclaimed again, â€Å"you’re lying and you know it, what you’re saying is not possible.† Edd recounted, â€Å"I fell apart. I wanted to throw up, hide, die, anything, he made me feel worse, at that moment, than I had when I found myself on that kitchen floor.† Edd’s therapist displayed a Machiavellian view of human nature, namely the idea that human are liars and deceivers. The question of the character of human nature is of critical importance for leaders today. In The Prince and Nicomachean Ethics, Machiavelli and Aristotle preach very different views of human nature, which shapes the advice they give to leaders. Machiavelli proposes that men are inherently evil, while Aristotle says men are by nature good. Which of these views is better for a leader, specifically a therapist? A leader is much better set up toShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Human Nature?1735 Words   |  7 Pagescreated by accident or mistake. At the end of the 18th century, the Enlightenment period was occurring. This produced two products during the time period. First, humans were able to possess a newfound understanding of general principals in which the world works. They wanted to know all about universal human nature, such as why all human beings are alike. Secondl y, out of the Enlightenment, we have an intellectual ability to understand the world through science. Defined, science is an empirical methodologyRead MoreHuman Nature : What Makes A Human Person?1511 Words   |  7 PagesHuman nature, the essence of what makes a human person what they are, is something that everybody has. Every person is innately a person, but how they put their personhood into action is the biggest indicator of their character, or the projection of a person’s human nature. At their core there is human nature, but their actions are what direct this source of humanity. The quality of someone’s actions is shaped by their environment and sometimes their biological makeup as well. Human nature doesRead MoreWhat Is Revealed About Human Nature941 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? In Genesis one and two, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. The Bible explains how God created Adam, from dust and was placed in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:7). The Bible explains humanity was created to work and serve (Genesis 2:15). SubsequentlyRead MoreWhat Defines Human Nature And The Hierarchy Of Human Relations?1328 Words   |  6 PagesWhat defines human nature and the hierarchy of human relations? In this paper, I will argue that Beauvoir s view that society constructs man, maleness, and the masculine as the human standard (rendering woman, femaleness, and the feminine deviant and defective) is flawed. Although Beauvoir s evidence was compelling I had several issues with some of the finer details such as what term designates a human being, that a woman s body i s considered disadvantaged, and that female nature is defectiveRead MoreHuman Nature, Not Thou Shalt : What Makes Us Human Make Us Real?1743 Words   |  7 PagesShalt: What Makes Us Human Makes Us Real The eminent 20th century psychologist, Erich Fromm in his â€Å"Afterword† to 1984 asks: â€Å"Can human nature be changed in such a way that man will forget his longing for freedom, for dignity, for integrity, for love – that is to say, can man forget that he is human? Or does human nature have a dynamism which will react to the violation of these basic needs by attempting to change an inhumane society into a humane one? (318) In 1984 by George Orwell, human natureRead MoreWhat Is Revealed About Human Nature ( From Gen 1-2 )?981 Words   |  4 Pages†¢ What is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? Humans were created in Gods image. In Genesis 1-2, human beings are created to live and take care of what God has formed. God placed Adam, and then Eve, on earth. He created them from the dust of the earth. God spoke to Adam and gave him all the animals to name. Adam was also given the task of tending to and growing the Garden of Eden. Human nature is confirmed to be obedient to God and his word. (Bible - ESV, Genesis 1-2) God wanted human natureRead MoreWhat Is Revealed About Human Nature ( From Gen 1-2 )?991 Words   |  4 Pages1. What is revealed about human nature (from Gen 1-2)? In Genesis one and 2, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. God created everything from nothing; to be perfect from his perspective. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. The Bible explains how God created the man named Adam from the dust and was placed in the Eden’s GardenRead MoreEssay What Frankenstein Can Teach Us About Human Nature1203 Words   |  5 Pagesgothic novel Frankenstein expresses it is humanity. Throughout the text we are shown example after example of the little things that define humanity: curiosity, love, and mistakes. The story starts out with one of the most basic instincts of human nature Ââ€" curiosity. Curiosity drives the character of Victor Frankenstein to devote his life to science. He spends hours upon days of his life in the pursuit of knowledge, finally coming across his major discovery, After days and nights of incredibleRead MoreThe Article What s Blocking Sustainability? Human Nature, Cognition, And Denial By William Rees1748 Words   |  7 PagesThe article titled What s blocking sustainability? Human nature, cognition, and denial by William Rees brings up an important argument that human society nowadays is no longer sustainable. Human activity, therefore, seems to be maladaptive: it selects defective genes and malicious memes as well as act in such a way so that to exploit the natural resources to the point of threatening human survival in the long run. The modern techno-industrial society in this relationship to the ecosphere supportRead MoreWhat Do You Learn About Steinbeck‚Äà ´s View of Human Nature from Reading His Novel ‚Äà ²of Mice and Men‚Äà ´1242 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay is about how John Steinbeck represents human nature and the nice and unfavourable qualities people had during the American depression in the 1930s where the story ‘Of Mice and Men’ took place. The story shows the way different people will react diversely to various situations. In this case, living with the trouble of having to travel to faraway places to search for jobs. It shows how some people can behave overly difficult while others can be calm, friendly and easy to live with. The many